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About Our Store

Our Story
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Growing up, I had more hand-me-downs than brand -new clothes. I was always wearing someone else's style instead of of getting to create my own. But as i got older and started shopping for myself, i fell in love with thrifting. I learned how to find pieces that truly felt like me- things that fit my style, not just whatever was passed down. Now, as a girl mom, I love the thrill of finding fun, unique pieces for my daughter's closet-things that will help her when she develops her own personal style growing up. I believe you don't need to spend excessively to achieve this. With kids growing fast, along with the overflow and rapid growth of overconsumption why not be apart of the solution. The next time you step into your kid's closet and realize you need to update their wardrobe, ask yourself - "Why Not Thrift it?

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